Estudio financiero de los bancos offshore del Ecuador durante los períodos 2005 - 2008

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Quevedo: UTEQ


La presente investigación se realizó sobre el Estudio Financiero de los Bancos Offshore del Ecuador durante los períodos 2005 – 2008, obteniendo la información directamente de los Balances Generales de dichas entidades en estudio, de donde se ha podido observar que estas instituciones están laborando con eficiencia, capacidad y responsabilidad en cada uno de sus períodos. Para poder dar cumplimiento a los objetivos planteados se ha aplicado los Métodos Investigativo, Científico y Analítico, así como las técnicas que requiere un proceso investigativo de las cuales se mencionará las Fuentes Primarias y Secundarias. Para realizar el Análisis Financiero se han aplicado los Métodos Vertical y Horizontal, en dónde a través de los gráficos y cuadros se pueden contemplar los porcentajes que reflejan cada una de sus cuentas. Pudiendo así identificarse que para el período 2005, el banco que mayor representación ha tenido en la Cuenta de Activos es el Pichincha Miami Agency con un 36,47% de participación, predominando la subcuenta de Inversiones y Cartera de Créditos, seguido del Pacífico Panamá con el 33,57%, luego continúa el Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 25,22% y por último el Continental Overseas con el 4,64% de participación, para el período 2006 se ha verificado que la mayor representación la tiene el Pacífico Panamá con el 42,13%, seguido del Pichincha Miami Agency con el 36,65% de participación, el Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 19,09% y el Continental Overseas culmina con el 2,3% sabiendo que esta entidad está en proceso de liquidación total; para el período 2007 tenemos liderando las estadísticas al Pacífico Panamá con el 45,02%, le antecede el Pichincha Miami Agency con el 39,80%, continúa el Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 13,29% y el de menor representatividad es el Continental Overseas con el 1,89%; visualizándose además que para el período 2008 en cambio refleja mayor representatividad el Pichincha Miami Agency con el 48,96% ya que esta entidad se ha dedicado estrictamente a la captación y colocación de recursos en el exterior, continuando con el Pacífico Panamá con el 48,10%, luego el Continental Overseas con el 1,93% y para culminar el Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 1,01%. En esta misma secuencia verificamos que para el período 2005 en la cuenta de Pasivos, la entidad que maneja mayores rubros en sus balances generales es el Pichincha Miami Agency con el 37,63%, ya que su mayor rubro se encuentra en la subcuenta de Obligaciones con el Público con el 83,48%; luego sigue el Continental Overseas con el 33,99% de participación, el Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 26,32% y culmina el Continental Overseas con el 2,06%; así mismo para el período 2006 visualizamos al Pacífico Panamá con un porcentaje del 40,03%, mientras que el Pichincha Miami Agency cierra con el 40,50%, luego el Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 13,45% y el de menor representatividad es el Continental Overseas con el 1,95% ya que esta entidad ya no está colocando créditos sino recuperando su cartera vencida de períodos anteriores que ya entran a otro tema de estudio; visualizando los balances generales del período 2007 tenemos que en esta cuenta de Pasivos la entidad que lidera las cifras es el Pacífico Panamá con el 44,31%, siguiendo con el análisis el Pichincha Miami Agency con el 40,50%, después sigue el Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 13,45% y por último el Continental Overseas con el 1,74%; refiriéndose al período 2008 refleja como la entidad que mantiene mayores cifras es el Pichincha Miami Agency con el 52,32%, y su mayor rubro se encuentra en las Obligaciones con el Público en un 68,78% y las Operaciones Interbancarias en un 29,33%, luego le prosigue el Pacífico Panamá con el 45,98%, continúa el Continental Overseas con el 1,70%, sabiendo que el Guayaquil Bank Trust no refleja ningún valor ya que esta entidad está en proceso de nacionalizarse. En cuanto a las cuentas de Patrimonio durante el 2005, se visualiza que el banco con mayores valores en esta cuenta es el Continental Overseas con el 33,08% situando su mayor rubro en la subcuenta del Capital Social, le sigue el Pacífico Panamá con el 28,95% de participación, continúa el Pichincha Miami Agency con el 23,58% y culmina el Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 14,39% de participación para este período; se observa en cambio para el año 2006 que lidera las cifras del Patrimonio el Pacífico Panamá con el porcentaje mayor del 57,75%, declina el Pichincha Miami Agency con el 25,90%, después el Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 12,68% y por último el Continental Overseas con el 3,67%; refiriéndonos al período 2007 se verifica que el Pichincha Miami Agency tiene el 55,07% de participación, seguido del Pichincha Miami Agency con el 30,76%, le sigue el Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 11,01% y el de menor representatividad es el Continental Overseas con el 3,16%; mientras que para el período 2008 aparece el Pacífico Panamá como el de mayor representación con un porcentaje del 75,49%, a continuación está el Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 14,10%, refleja en cambio el Pichincha Miami Agency cierra este período en estudio con el 5,61% de participación, y por último se encuentra el Continental Overseas con el 4,80%. Se puede contemplar que en las cuentas de Gastos para el período 2005 el mayor rubro lo presenta el Pichincha Miami Agency con un porcentaje del 37,81%, continuando está el Pacífico Panamá con el 34,81%, seguido del Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 26,90% y por último el Continental Overseas con el 0,48%; en cuanto al período 2006 de esta misma cuenta podemos decir que el Pacífico Panamá cuenta con el 41,52% que es el mayor porcentaje de participación, a su vez también tenemos al Pacífico Panamá con el 34,81%, le sigue el Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 26,90% y terminamos con el Continental Overseas con el mínimo porcentaje de 0,48%. Siguiendo con el análisis durante el período 2007 se refleja el Pacífico Panamá liderando las cifras de participación con el 44,30%,cabe destacar que esta entidad se encuentra laborando con todas sus operaciones de manera normal y eficiente, mientras que el Pichincha Miami Agency cierra este período con el 42,49%, continúa el Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 13,05% y con una mínima cifra cierra este período el Continental Overseas con el 0,16%, y por último tenemos que para el año 2008 el mayor porcentaje lo tiene el Pacífico Panamá con el 43,34%, seguido del Pichincha Miami Agency con el 40,14%, luego el Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 16,46%, y el Continental Overseas con el 0,08% de participación. Refiriéndonos a la cuenta de Ingresos del período contable 2005 podemos verificar que el Pichincha Miami Agency tiene el 37,39% de participación, luego el Pacífico Panamá con el 36,85%, mientras que el Guayaquil Bank Trust cierra este período con el 23,40% y el Continental Overseas con el 2,36%; para el período 2006 se ha verificado que la mayor representación la tiene el Pacífico Panamá con el 47,90%, seguido del Pichincha Miami Agency con el 34,59%, mientras que el Guayaquil Bank Trust mantiene el 14,98% y por último cierra con 2,53% de participación el Continental Overseas; para el período 2007, podemos decir que lidera las cifras el Pacífico Panamá con el 44,85%, le sigue el Pichincha Miami Agency con el 44,62%, luego está el Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 10,42% y por último se encuentra el Continental Overseas con el mínimo porcentaje de 0,11%; ya para el período 2008 visualizamos con un mayor porcentaje en este rubro al Pacífico Panamá con el 43,56%, mientras que el Pichincha Miami Agency cierra este período con el 40,91%, le sigue el Guayaquil Bank Trust con el 14,48% y el 1,05% que le corresponde al Continental Overseas.


This work was done on the Financial Analysis of Offshore Banks in Ecuador during the period 2005 – 2008, obtaining information directly from the balance sheets of these entities in the studio, where he has observed that these institutions are working efficiently, capacity and responsibility in each of their periods. To be able to fulfill the objectives have been applied research methods, scientific and analytical, as well as the techniques required of an investigative process which will be mentioned primary and secondary sources. To perform financial analysis methods have been applied vertical and horizontal, where through the charts and tables you can see the percentages that reflect each of their accounts. Being able to identify that for the period 2005, the bank has greater representation in the Asset Account is the Pichincha Miami Agency with a 36,47% stake, to dominate the sub-Investment and loan portfolio, followed by Panama to the Pacific 33,57 %, then continues Guayaquil Trust Bank with 25,22% and finally the Continental Overseas with 4,64% share for the period 2006 has been established that has the largest representation with the Panama Pacific 42.13%, followed by Pichincha Miami Agency with 36,65% share, the Trust Bank in Guayaquil 19,09% and Continental Overseas culminates with 2,3% knowing that this entity is in the process of liquidation, for the period 2007 have lead statistics at the Panama Pacific 45,02%, preceding the Pichincha Agency Miami with 39,80%, Guayaquil continues Trust Bank with 13,29% and the lowest is the representative with Continental Overseas 1,89%; displayed for that period in 2008 reflects the greater representation Pichincha Miami Agency with 48,96% and that this entity has been strictly devoted to the recruitment and placement of resources from abroad, continuing with the Panama Pacific 48,10%, then the Continental Overseas with 1,93% and for completing the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 1,01%. In this sequence we verify that for the period 2005 to the account of liabilities, the entity that handles larger items in their balance sheets is the Pichincha Miami Agency with 37,63%, which is mostly under the sub-Obligaciones the Public with 83,48%, then follows the Continental Overseas with 33,99% share, the Trust Bank Guayaquil with 26,32% and culminates with the Continental Overseas 2,06%; also for the look at the period 2006 Panama Pacific with a rate of 40,03%, while the Miami Agency Pichincha closes with 40,50%, then the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 13,45% and the lowest is the representative with Continental Overseas 1,95% since this entity is no longer made but recovered by putting up its portfolio of previous periods that are already subject to another study, by viewing the 2007 financial statements of the period that we have in this account liabilities of the entity that leads the Figures is the Panama Pacific with 44,31%, following the analysis Pichincha Miami Agency with 40,50%, then follow the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 13,45% and finally with 1,74 Continental Overseas %, referring to the 2008 period reflects the entity that maintains the highest figures Pichincha Miami Agency with 52,32% and its largest item is in the Obligations with the public at a 68,78% and interbank transactions in a 29,33%, then continues with the Panama Pacific 45,98%, continuing with Continental Overseas 1,70%, knowing that the Guayaquil Bank Trust reflects no value as this entity is in the process of nationalization. As for the accounts of Heritage in 2005, displays the bank with the highest values in this regard is the Continental Overseas with 33,08% to its highest in the sub-heading of social capital, followed by Panama Pacific with 28,95% participation continues Pichincha Miami Agency with 23,58% and finish Guayaquil Trust Bank with 14,39% share for this period will be observed in exchange for the year 2006 leading figures from Panama to the Pacific Heritage the highest percentage of 57,75%, the declines Pichincha Miami Agency with 25,90% after the Bank Trust Guayaquil with 12,68% and finally with Continental Overseas 3,67%, referring to the period 2007 verifies that the Pichincha Miami Agency has 55,07% share, followed by the Miami Agency Pichincha with 30,76%, followed by Guayaquil Trust Bank with 11,01% and the lowest is the representative with Continental Overseas 3,16%, while for the period 2008 Panama Pacific appears as the most representation with a percentage of 75,49%, below is the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 14,10%, reflecting the change in Pichincha Miami Agency this study period closes with the 5,61% stake, and finally there is the Continental Overseas with 4,80%. One can envisage that in the accounts of expenditure for the period 2005 the largest item is submitted by the Pichincha Miami Agency with a percentage of 37,81%, is continuing with the Panama Pacific 34,81%, followed by the Trust Bank in Guayaquil 26,90% and finally the Continental Overseas with 0,48% in 2006 to the period of this account we can say that the Panama Pacific is 41,52% which is the highest percentage of participation, in turn we also have with the Panama Pacific 34,81%, followed by Guayaquil Trust Bank with 26,90% and finished with Continental Overseas with a minimum rate of 0,48%. Continuing with the analysis during the 2007 Panama Pacific reflects the leading figures of the 44,30% participation, it is noteworthy that this entity is working with all of its operations as normal and efficient, while the Miami Agency Pichincha closes this period with 42,49%, continuing to Guayaquil Trust Bank 13,05% and with a minimum figure this period closes with the Continental Overseas 0,16%, and finally we have that by the year 2008 the highest percentage Panama has the Pacific with 43,34%, followed by Miami Pichincha Agency with 40,14%, then the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 16,46%, and Continental Overseas with 0,08% stake. Referring to the statement of income of the accounting period 2005, we can verify that the Pichincha Miami Agency has 37,39% stake, then the Panama Pacific with 36,85% while the Bank Trust Guayaquil close this period with 23,40% and Continental Overseas with 2,36% for the period 2006 has been established that has the largest representation with the Panama Pacific 47,90%, followed by the Miami Agency Pichincha with 34,59% while Guayaquil, the Bank maintains the Trust 14,98% and finally closed with 2,53% share the Continental Overseas, for the period 2007, we can say that leading figures with the Panama Pacific 44,85%, followed by Pichincha Miami Agency with 44,62%, then there is the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 10,42% and finally there is the Continental Overseas with the minimum rate of 0,11% and for the period 2008 to visualize a greater percentage this item to the Panama Pacific 43,56%, while the Miami Agency Pichincha closes this period with 40,91%, followed by Guayaquil Trust Bank with 14,48% and 1,05% that corresponds to Continental Overseas This work was done on the Financial Analysis of Offshore Banks in Ecuador during the period 2005 – 2008, obtaining information directly from the balance sheets of these entities in the studio, where he has observed that these institutions are working efficiently, capacity and responsibility in each of their periods. To be able to fulfill the objectives have been applied research methods, scientific and analytical, as well as the techniques required of an investigative process which will be mentioned primary and secondary sources. To perform financial analysis methods have been applied vertical and horizontal, where through the charts and tables you can see the percentages that reflect each of their accounts. Being able to identify that for the period 2005, the bank has greater representation in the Asset Account is the Pichincha Miami Agency with a 36,47% stake, to dominate the sub-Investment and loan portfolio, followed by Panama to the Pacific 33,57 %, then continues Guayaquil Trust Bank with 25,22% and finally the Continental Overseas with 4,64% share for the period 2006 has been established that has the largest representation with the Panama Pacific 42.13%, followed by Pichincha Miami Agency with 36,65% share, the Trust Bank in Guayaquil 19,09% and Continental Overseas culminates with 2,3% knowing that this entity is in the process of liquidation, for the period 2007 have lead statistics at the Panama Pacific 45,02%, preceding the Pichincha Agency Miami with 39,80%, Guayaquil continues Trust Bank with 13,29% and the lowest is the representative with Continental Overseas 1,89%; displayed for that period in 2008 reflects the greater representation Pichincha Miami Agency with 48,96% and that this entity has been strictly devoted to the recruitment and placement of resources from abroad, continuing with the Panama Pacific 48,10%, then the Continental Overseas with 1,93% and for completing the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 1,01%. In this sequence we verify that for the period 2005 to the account of liabilities, the entity that handles larger items in their balance sheets is the Pichincha Miami Agency with 37,63%, which is mostly under the sub-Obligaciones the Public with 83,48%, then follows the Continental Overseas with 33,99% share, the Trust Bank Guayaquil with 26,32% and culminates with the Continental Overseas 2,06%; also for the look at the period 2006 Panama Pacific with a rate of 40,03%, while the Miami Agency Pichincha closes with 40,50%, then the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 13,45% and the lowest is the representative with Continental Overseas 1,95% since this entity is no longer made but recovered by putting up its portfolio of previous periods that are already subject to another study, by viewing the 2007 financial statements of the period that we have in this account liabilities of the entity that leads the Figures is the Panama Pacific with 44,31%, following the analysis Pichincha Miami Agency with 40,50%, then follow the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 13,45% and finally with 1,74 Continental Overseas %, referring to the 2008 period reflects the entity that maintains the highest figures Pichincha Miami Agency with 52,32% and its largest item is in the Obligations with the public at a 68,78% and interbank transactions in a 29,33%, then continues with the Panama Pacific 45,98%, continuing with Continental Overseas 1,70%, knowing that the Guayaquil Bank Trust reflects no value as this entity is in the process of nationalization. As for the accounts of Heritage in 2005, displays the bank with the highest values in this regard is the Continental Overseas with 33,08% to its highest in the sub-heading of social capital, followed by Panama Pacific with 28,95% participation continues Pichincha Miami Agency with 23,58% and finish Guayaquil Trust Bank with 14,39% share for this period will be observed in exchange for the year 2006 leading figures from Panama to the Pacific Heritage the highest percentage of 57,75%, the declines Pichincha Miami Agency with 25,90% after the Bank Trust Guayaquil with 12,68% and finally with Continental Overseas 3,67%, referring to the period 2007 verifies that the Pichincha Miami Agency has 55,07% share, followed by the Miami Agency Pichincha with 30,76%, followed by Guayaquil Trust Bank with 11,01% and the lowest is the representative with Continental Overseas 3,16%, while for the period 2008 Panama Pacific appears as the most representation with a percentage of 75,49%, below is the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 14,10%, reflecting the change in Pichincha Miami Agency this study period closes with the 5,61% stake, and finally there is the Continental Overseas with 4,80%. One can envisage that in the accounts of expenditure for the period 2005 the largest item is submitted by the Pichincha Miami Agency with a percentage of 37,81%, is continuing with the Panama Pacific 34,81%, followed by the Trust Bank in Guayaquil 26,90% and finally the Continental Overseas with 0,48% in 2006 to the period of this account we can say that the Panama Pacific is 41,52% which is the highest percentage of participation, in turn we also have with the Panama Pacific 34,81%, followed by Guayaquil Trust Bank with 26,90% and finished with Continental Overseas with a minimum rate of 0,48%. Continuing with the analysis during the 2007 Panama Pacific reflects the leading figures of the 44,30% participation, it is noteworthy that this entity is working with all of its operations as normal and efficient, while the Miami Agency Pichincha closes this period with 42,49%, continuing to Guayaquil Trust Bank 13,05% and with a minimum figure this period closes with the Continental Overseas 0,16%, and finally we have that by the year 2008 the highest percentage Panama has the Pacific with 43,34%, followed by Miami Pichincha Agency with 40,14%, then the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 16,46%, and Continental Overseas with 0,08% stake. Referring to the statement of income of the accounting period 2005, we can verify that the Pichincha Miami Agency has 37,39% stake, then the Panama Pacific with 36,85% while the Bank Trust Guayaquil close this period with 23,40% and Continental Overseas with 2,36% for the period 2006 has been established that has the largest representation with the Panama Pacific 47,90%, followed by the Miami Agency Pichincha with 34,59% while Guayaquil, the Bank maintains the Trust 14,98% and finally closed with 2,53% share the Continental Overseas, for the period 2007, we can say that leading figures with the Panama Pacific 44,85%, followed by Pichincha Miami Agency with 44,62%, then there is the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 10,42% and finally there is the Continental Overseas with the minimum rate of 0,11% and for the period 2008 to visualize a greater percentage this item to the Panama Pacific 43,56%, while the Miami Agency Pichincha closes this period with 40,91%, followed by Guayaquil Trust Bank with 14,48% and 1,05% that corresponds to Continental Overseas This work was done on the Financial Analysis of Offshore Banks in Ecuador during the period 2005 – 2008, obtaining information directly from the balance sheets of these entities in the studio, where he has observed that these institutions are working efficiently, capacity and responsibility in each of their periods. To be able to fulfill the objectives have been applied research methods, scientific and analytical, as well as the techniques required of an investigative process which will be mentioned primary and secondary sources. To perform financial analysis methods have been applied vertical and horizontal, where through the charts and tables you can see the percentages that reflect each of their accounts. Being able to identify that for the period 2005, the bank has greater representation in the Asset Account is the Pichincha Miami Agency with a 36,47% stake, to dominate the sub-Investment and loan portfolio, followed by Panama to the Pacific 33,57 %, then continues Guayaquil Trust Bank with 25,22% and finally the Continental Overseas with 4,64% share for the period 2006 has been established that has the largest representation with the Panama Pacific 42.13%, followed by Pichincha Miami Agency with 36,65% share, the Trust Bank in Guayaquil 19,09% and Continental Overseas culminates with 2,3% knowing that this entity is in the process of liquidation, for the period 2007 have lead statistics at the Panama Pacific 45,02%, preceding the Pichincha Agency Miami with 39,80%, Guayaquil continues Trust Bank with 13,29% and the lowest is the representative with Continental Overseas 1,89%; displayed for that period in 2008 reflects the greater representation Pichincha Miami Agency with 48,96% and that this entity has been strictly devoted to the recruitment and placement of resources from abroad, continuing with the Panama Pacific 48,10%, then the Continental Overseas with 1,93% and for completing the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 1,01%. In this sequence we verify that for the period 2005 to the account of liabilities, the entity that handles larger items in their balance sheets is the Pichincha Miami Agency with 37,63%, which is mostly under the sub-Obligaciones the Public with 83,48%, then follows the Continental Overseas with 33,99% share, the Trust Bank Guayaquil with 26,32% and culminates with the Continental Overseas 2,06%; also for the look at the period 2006 Panama Pacific with a rate of 40,03%, while the Miami Agency Pichincha closes with 40,50%, then the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 13,45% and the lowest is the representative with Continental Overseas 1,95% since this entity is no longer made but recovered by putting up its portfolio of previous periods that are already subject to another study, by viewing the 2007 financial statements of the period that we have in this account liabilities of the entity that leads the Figures is the Panama Pacific with 44,31%, following the analysis Pichincha Miami Agency with 40,50%, then follow the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 13,45% and finally with 1,74 Continental Overseas %, referring to the 2008 period reflects the entity that maintains the highest figures Pichincha Miami Agency with 52,32% and its largest item is in the Obligations with the public at a 68,78% and interbank transactions in a 29,33%, then continues with the Panama Pacific 45,98%, continuing with Continental Overseas 1,70%, knowing that the Guayaquil Bank Trust reflects no value as this entity is in the process of nationalization. As for the accounts of Heritage in 2005, displays the bank with the highest values in this regard is the Continental Overseas with 33,08% to its highest in the sub-heading of social capital, followed by Panama Pacific with 28,95% participation continues Pichincha Miami Agency with 23,58% and finish Guayaquil Trust Bank with 14,39% share for this period will be observed in exchange for the year 2006 leading figures from Panama to the Pacific Heritage the highest percentage of 57,75%, the declines Pichincha Miami Agency with 25,90% after the Bank Trust Guayaquil with 12,68% and finally with Continental Overseas 3,67%, referring to the period 2007 verifies that the Pichincha Miami Agency has 55,07% share, followed by the Miami Agency Pichincha with 30,76%, followed by Guayaquil Trust Bank with 11,01% and the lowest is the representative with Continental Overseas 3,16%, while for the period 2008 Panama Pacific appears as the most representation with a percentage of 75,49%, below is the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 14,10%, reflecting the change in Pichincha Miami Agency this study period closes with the 5,61% stake, and finally there is the Continental Overseas with 4,80%. One can envisage that in the accounts of expenditure for the period 2005 the largest item is submitted by the Pichincha Miami Agency with a percentage of 37,81%, is continuing with the Panama Pacific 34,81%, followed by the Trust Bank in Guayaquil 26,90% and finally the Continental Overseas with 0,48% in 2006 to the period of this account we can say that the Panama Pacific is 41,52% which is the highest percentage of participation, in turn we also have with the Panama Pacific 34,81%, followed by Guayaquil Trust Bank with 26,90% and finished with Continental Overseas with a minimum rate of 0,48%. Continuing with the analysis during the 2007 Panama Pacific reflects the leading figures of the 44,30% participation, it is noteworthy that this entity is working with all of its operations as normal and efficient, while the Miami Agency Pichincha closes this period with 42,49%, continuing to Guayaquil Trust Bank 13,05% and with a minimum figure this period closes with the Continental Overseas 0,16%, and finally we have that by the year 2008 the highest percentage Panama has the Pacific with 43,34%, followed by Miami Pichincha Agency with 40,14%, then the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 16,46%, and Continental Overseas with 0,08% stake. Referring to the statement of income of the accounting period 2005, we can verify that the Pichincha Miami Agency has 37,39% stake, then the Panama Pacific with 36,85% while the Bank Trust Guayaquil close this period with 23,40% and Continental Overseas with 2,36% for the period 2006 has been established that has the largest representation with the Panama Pacific 47,90%, followed by the Miami Agency Pichincha with 34,59% while Guayaquil, the Bank maintains the Trust 14,98% and finally closed with 2,53% share the Continental Overseas, for the period 2007, we can say that leading figures with the Panama Pacific 44,85%, followed by Pichincha Miami Agency with 44,62%, then there is the Guayaquil Trust Bank with 10,42% and finally there is the Continental Overseas with the minimum rate of 0,11% and for the period 2008 to visualize a greater percentage this item to the Panama Pacific 43,56%, while the Miami Agency Pichincha closes this period with 40,91%, followed by Guayaquil Trust Bank with 14,48% and 1,05% that corresponds to Continental Overseas


Estudio financiero, Bancos, Offshore, Ecuador


Camacho Palacios, Delia Angelina. (2009). Estudio financiero de los bancos offshore del Ecuador durante los períodos 2005 - 2008. Quevedo. UTEQ. 188 p.